If you are one who equates depth of knowledge and expertise with a "certified" credential from a programme or course of astrological studies, then maybe Nauzer would not be your astrologer of choice. Obtaining a formal qualification, no matter how seemingly credible, is certainly no guarantee of a person's depth of knowledge nor of their ability to appropriately apply that learning towards chart delineation. A horoscope reading requires delving well beyond the superficial to make determinations of the planetary signatures. Nauzer's deep dive into astrology has involved case studies, discussions, debates and engagements with respected astrologers and scholars in India and around the world.

Nauzer is an atheist but does not believe religion is a problem. He feels astrology may well have those answers that most astrologers don’t. He does not deal in gemstones, pendants, talismans or any lucky charms. He does not stare into crystal balls or read any cards. He does not remote-view the future. He has not written any books on how you need to run your life. His friends and clients tell others about him.

Here are a few testimonials...

I have had the great pleasure of having a report done by Nauzer. The irony in that is I am a psychic and cannot read for myself, leaves me no choice but to seek out others who have the incredible ability to do it for me. I chose Nauzer as one of those very gifted people. Not only did he clarify events in my past but helped me to make sound decisions for the future. From deciding on best dates to launch courses but on a personal note helped me to really understand the unique dynamics between my husband and I and how to resolve some issues. I highly recommend him as a 'go to' person to help shift your life back into balance.
- Liz T.
St. Catharines, Ontario.

I know Nauzer since 2004. For me, he is my friend, philosopher, guide and elder brother. My wife and I are strong believers of astrology. It was only in 2008 that I came upon his ability to understand this science. He predicted something for me in that year and also gave me a time period for the possibility of the event that was about to happen in my life. Although it was not pleasant news, it helped me to prepare for the worst and accept what was about to happen. I would say it was a blessing in disguise. Since then we have been seeking his advice on many important decision of our lives. One thing that I most admire about him, is his positive approach towards life and his guidance that he has provided us without prejudice. In the last few years he has helped many of my friends and relatives and I have recommended him to others too. Everyone has thanked me for the guidance he provides. I think, I am blessed to have him as my friend.
- Ashish B.
Mississauga, Ontario.

Nauzer mi ha aiutato a vedere e interpretare la vita in un'ottica completamente diversa. Grazie al suo aiuto sono riuscito a ristabilire equilibrio e armonia, determinazione e sicurezza. Sono riuscito a gestire in modo favorevole situazioni che vedevo solo come insormontabili ostacoli, raggiungendo ciò che prima mi sembrava un sogno irrealizzabile.
- Marco C.
Rieti, Italia.

Sono Lorenzo da Montebelluna - Italia, ti ringrazio Nauzer Fraser per la consulenza astrologica a distanza che mi hai fatto per mio figlio il 13 gennaio 2017 in via amichevole. Hai avuto un effetto positivo sulle mie speranze per lui. Pur essendo in un altro continente hai visto tante cose di lui che effettivamente vedo anch'io da vicino e per questo penso le belle previsioni che hai fatto per lui possano effettivamente verificarsi nel suo futuro. Grazie ancora Nauzer!
- Lorenzo.
Montebelluna, Italia.

Ho avuto un solo incontro con Nauzer su skype, ma è stato abbastanza da farmi pensare molto. Ho sentito che mi ha dato le giuste lenti per vedermi, per sentirmi più vicino e allineato con me stesso. Le sue parole mi hanno indirizzato sul cammino da percorrere per sentire di realizzare il mio obbiettivo in questa esperienza di vita terrena. Tutto ciò, mi è stato trasmesso, grazie al decifrare le mie caratteristiche mentali, di costituzione, e di spirit. Noto sempre più che quando agisco tenendo a mente queste indicazioni, nello svolgersi dell’esperienza di vita mi sento a mio agio con me stesso e sento che diffondo energia positiva a disposizione di chi mi è attorno.
- Vanni
Roma, Italia.

E' stato molto interessante ascoltare Nauzer, la sua abilità di individuare punti focali nel tuo carattere e raccontare il tuo passato è incredibile. Sentir parlare del tuo futuro e del tuo sviluppo è terrificante ed emozionante allo stesso tempo. Parlare con Nauzer è stato molto rivelante, mi ha fatto pensare a problemi e dettagli che spesso ho ignorato o non ho mai capito appieno. E' stata un'esperienza molto formativa.
- Diego
Roma, Italia.

iv come across Nauzer as one customer but as the time progresses we became friends, due to his affable nature & conduct. One fine day during a routine conversation I come a know about his knowledge bank.... and his mastery of astrology ! I gave him all my details,,,, time, place and date of birth,,, and he made me some predictions about my coming times... honestly telling I didn't believe it coz at that point of time it sounds crazy... i can never dream of that such thing could ever happen,,,, but yes it happened,,, exactly in the time frame which Nauzer told me almost nine months ago,,, and i immediately contacted him,,, since then whatever he has predicted to me has proved to happen... I have such a strong belief system in his prediction,,, that now for anything & everything i first consult him.....take his opinion and then make any decision, be it personal, professional, social or u nauzer !!!!!
- Amit B.
Punjab, India.

In the last few years I had been talking with a good friend of mine regarding my future retirement, health and financials. My friend told me that she had reached out to Nauzer and was pleasantly surprised as to the accuracy of her current work and home life situation and what to expect in the future. She encouraged me to make contact as well. You have to know that I'm a bit of a skeptic but decided to give him a try March 7th 2017. To my surprise he was amazingly accurate as to what events were occurring in my life at that moment. He said that sometime in March I would have to spend quite a bit of money but not to worry because everything will work out in the next month. A week later March 13th my tenant gave me a 30 day notice that they were moving out, ugh! I did not relish having to fix up the home and obtain a new renter. Well the good news is that having new carpet and new vinyl installed, new paint and updating the bathrooms I was able to rent to a new tenant within a week at a much higher rent starting April 1st. Everything fell together so very well. Needless to say I am very pleased and will recoup the funds I spent in short order. Thank you Nauzer! I look forward to another reading soon.
- Michelle S.
Fremont, California.

Une expérience bluffante ! Il y a quelques années j’ai été mis en relation avec Nauzer par une connaissance commune. Etant dans une période difficile de ma vie, cette connaissance m’a proposé de prendre contact avec Nauzer afin qu’il puisse m’aider à me projeter dans l’avenir avec une certaine confiance dans les perspectives. N’étant pas vraiment un adepte de l’astrologie, cette connaissance m’a fait les éloges de l’astrologie Védic et surtout de la maîtrise et de l’expérience de Nauzer. Curieux des particularités de cette méthode astrologique mais encore assez sceptique, j’ai donc pris contact avec celui-ci. Nauzer en professionnel aguerri m’a fait part de mon thème astral qu’il avait préalablement préparé apparemment avec un grand sérieux. Abordant différents sujets tels que la santé de mon fils et des relations avec celui-ci, ma santé personnelle et notamment nom avenir professionnel puisse qu’étant en recherche active d’un nouvel emploi. Sur ce dernier point, Nauzer m’a indiqué sans hésitation que je n’avais pas d’inquiétude à avoir, que la situation aller se débloquer très rapidement, allant jusqu’à m’indiquer la date précise de la prise de contact de mon futur employeur. Ce serait le 12 avril. Etant trois semaines en amont de la date prévue, j’ai donc attendu ce contact avec scepticisme et impatience. Le jour venu, j’ai effectivement reçu un appel téléphonique masqué que je n’ai fâcheusement pas eu le temps de décrocher. J’ai regretté fortement cette occasion de vérifier cette éventuelle prédiction car l’appel n’avez pas laissé de message. A ma grande surprise, une journée plus tard un nouvel appel masqué s’est présenté, s’identifiant comme l’appel masqué du 12 avril. C’était bien un contact pour une proposition d’emploi qui s’est d’ailleurs conclue une semaine plus tard. C’était donc bien mon futur employeur, au jour J. Bluffant n’est ce pas ! Moi ça m'a impressionné.
- Arnauld
Quimper, France.